Dr. Lal an Angel on Earth

@RosieGabrielle / Facebook
SHIMSHAL, a tiny mountain village nestled in a far off valley 3100 meters above sea level. With only one access in, the narrow steep cliffs with daunting views and treacherous terrain are considered to be one of the most dangerous roads in the world. It takes about 4-6 hours to reach from the main road and is often threatened by landslides, snowfall and heavy rain, making the route impossible to pass at times.

Angel On Earth | Dr. Lal | @RosieGabrielle / Facebook
I struggled to reach the village as my health declined. I’m still not sure what was wrong, but I think it was parasites. By the next day, I was stricken with a high fever, severe dehydration and couldn’t keep anything down.
Lucky for me, there was a small clinic in this remote village. This is where I met Lal ❤️

Angel On Earth | Dr. Lal | @RosieGabrielle / Facebook
She had been working as the head nurse for 28 years. Her dream was to help people and saw a real need for a female practitioner & midwife, so she took some courses and began to work at the dispensary.

Angel On Earth | Dr. Lal | @RosieGabrielle / Facebook
There was no proper medical facility at the time, and only one other Dr. Lal was on call 24/7 and would be visited late into the night with requests for delivery.

Angel On Earth | Dr. Lal | @RosieGabrielle / Facebook
With her husband working afar, she would pack her 2 children with her as she made the door to door house calls.

@RosieGabrielle / Facebook
In 2009 an NGO German couple built a small medical clinic and donated some supplies. The Dr. has since retired in 2016 leaving Lal to fend for herself. Two women staff have voluntarily joined to help, but they’re in desperate need for a Doctor.

Angel On Earth | Dr. Lal | @RosieGabrielle / Facebook
Lal says many have come with good promises but never last more than a month, the conditions are just not ideal for them.
The government provides them medicines but it’s minimal. The clinic is now too small for the ever-growing population and they are in dire need of a Doctor. As of now, the clinic remains free to the community, however, with no more support coming from the NGO, they are not able to run optimally. The NGO cut off funds so that they can become self-sufficient, unfortunately, no system has been put in place since.

Angel On Earth | Dr. Lal | @RosieGabrielle / Facebook
Their biggest need though, an AMBULANCE 🚑 . If there is any emergency, they have to hire a private jeep to transport them to the nearest hospital which is 10 hours away, in awful conditions and dangerous roads. Lal also has to accompany the patient, leaving Shimshal without a nurse. She claims though Alhamdulillah, in all her years, they have never had a death.
The government pays Lal from 8-2, but all the other hours are not accounted for. She has dedicated 28 years of her life to care for and service her community without one day off.

@RosieGabrielle / Facebook
She deserves a medal. But her biggest wish is an ambulance and a Doctor.
If anyone can help, please let us know. you can DM me with the headline; SHIMSHAL. PLEASE only serious inquires as it is a lot of work for me to go through my messages.
I’m Not looking for money donations at the moment until I can facilitate something in Pakistan personally myself. I’ve tried to organize my last charity from abroad and it was very complicated and took one year! If I get back to Pakistan, I would love to personally arrange something. But for now, If anyone has contacts who can donate an AMBULANCE or a Doctor who is willing to work, FULL TIME only, Please let me know.
Thank You!