British Activist’s Brilliant Response to Israel Supporters:!
Interviewer: AsSalamuAlaikum sister Lauren Booth thank you for accepting us we are going through really hard times as an Ummah we know that in Palestine our brothers and sisters are displaced from their homes, there are babies dying Food Supplies, Water and Electricity are cut off, they don’t know what to do as a journalist you’ve been among those people many times we have the opportunity to look at the events from both sides many things are told in the media about this issue but can you tell us what is really happening there right now.
Lauren Booth: What is going on now is a gameplay that the Palestinians particularly in Gaza have been used to not for 50 months not for 50 weeks…. 50 years this is not a 10 days old conflict, this isn’t two weeks it hasn’t just started a week ago that’s the phrase that I’m taking out here this is a long extended era of pain for the Palestinian people where their resources then their land have been stolen deliberately and maliciously by zionists and Zionism and that ethical, unethical, I should say way of dominating a population so it’s not a new thing.
You know I spoke to my friend Yasseh last night and he’s in Gaza City may Allah protect him, protect his family and all our brothers and sisters, Aameen. and I said: “Where are you?” he said “We’re outside our house” and I said: “How are the boys doing?” he’s got two young sons. He said: “Wallahi sister, they’re struggling they’re only babies. they’re only young and less than 10 years old.
He said: “And when I look at them I think they should be doing their homework or playing on a beach or going on a roundabout you know being pushed in a playground and having some fun. he said: “instead, they’re seeing babies with their skin stripped off and mothers with their arms cut off and people burnt to death, How is this a childhood? I want you to imagine this for a second no water coming through, right? they’re going sip by sip right now, “Oh, I’ve had my three sips for the day. I’ve had my cup of water for today.” that’s…. that’s it, and then there’s no light Israel has committed a war crime cutting off the electricity. There’s intermittent internet they don’t know if their family is alive or dead and then they’re told to get out of their houses. so I know families last night who slept in the street even as bombings were going on.
British Activist’s Brilliant Response to Israel Supporters | Lauren Booth