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My JEWISH FATHER DIED AS A MUSLIM a few days ago | Khalila Lister

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My Jewish Father Died As A Muslim A Few Days Ago | Khalila Lister

Khalila Lister who comes from a Jewish family, from his father’s funeral. She tells the story of his Jewish father’s conversion to Islam 30 minutes before his death and condemns the persecution in Palestine. The issue is that the world should not remain silent about persecuted children… There are stolen and unfinished lives… Here we are! We can be their voice by spreading this video… Let’s not forget our oppressed brothers and sisters in our prayers.

The Resilient Spirit: A Personal Journey and the Struggle for Palestine

In a heartfelt video, she shares a deeply personal story intertwined with the broader struggles faced by the Palestinian people. She is a member of a Jewish family who recently experienced the passing of her father, and reflects on the current state of the world, particularly the hardships in Palestine. This article captures the essence of her message, blending personal grief with a collective call for resilience and justice.

Personal Grief and a Collective Struggle

She begins by recounting his father’s recent passing, emphasizing the spiritual journey her father undertook before his death. She expresses gratitude for her father’s ability to embrace Shahada, a significant declaration of faith in Islam, before passing away. This moment underscores the transient nature of life and the ultimate return to Allah, a theme that resonates deeply with her.

Amidst her grief, she shifts her focus to the ongoing plight of Palestinians. She draws a parallel between her loss and the immense suffering endured by Palestinian families, who face the destruction of entire neighbourhoods and the loss of loved ones. Her message is clear: the pain of one is the pain of all, and the global community must not turn a blind eye to the suffering in Palestine.

Silencing the Voices of Truth

She passionately addresses the issue of censorship, recounting how a previous video she posted on Instagram was muted. She argues that this act of silencing is not mere propaganda but an attempt to suppress the truth about the conditions in Palestine. Her frustration is palpable as she urges viewers to recognize and resist the forces that seek to obscure the reality of Palestinian suffering.

The Resilient Spirit of Women

In a particularly poignant segment, she pays tribute to the strength and resilience of Palestinian women. She describes them as heroes, highlighting their unwavering courage in the face of adversity. This recognition serves as a powerful reminder of the vital role women play in sustaining their communities and advocating for justice.

A Call to Unity and Action

Her message is ultimately one of unity and action. She calls upon the global Muslim community, or Ummah, to stand in solidarity with Palestinians. She emphasizes that, as travellers on this Earth, Muslims are bound by their faith to support and pray for their brothers and sisters in Palestine. She urges viewers to continue making Dua (prayers) for those suffering and to use their voices to advocate for justice.

The video is a moving testament to the interconnectedness of personal grief and collective struggle. By sharing her story, she not only honours her father’s memory but also amplifies the voices of those who are often silenced. Her call for resilience, unity, and unwavering support for Palestine is a powerful reminder of the strength that comes from standing together in the face of adversity. As she concludes, the most that those safe in their homes can do is to continue making Dua and never be silent in the fight for justice.

My Jewish Father Died As A Muslim A Few Days Ago | Khalila Lister

