“You should not look at what the person used to do, rather you should look at what kind of person they are today. The one who gets bogged down about people’s pasts, is just like Iblees who said to Allaah, “You created me from fire and you created him from clay.” – Ibn Taymiyyah | Study Quran with Samantha J Boyle
This life works in a constantly changing cycle like that of the moon; I say it all the time but seem to always need the reminder. Your money will come & go. Your companions will come & go. Everything that you love will come & go at some point. It’s scary because you may struggle to feel stability in your life due to this – but it’s all part of being shaped & moulded by Allah to depend on Him more. The one thing that you thought would always have, won’t always be there. The people that you thought that you would always be able to depend on, aren’t always going to be available. All that you will have is your prayers and your Lord and the hope that you will receive better than what has passed. Truly, I believe that with hardship, there is always something that brings you relief and makes it bearable. Alhumdulilah; because even with the moon and it’s phases, we can see that it always ends up full again. May we all end up full again; even with all that we have lost. | Study Quran with Samantha J Boyle