Netflix Shows Muslim Breaking Fast with Alcohol 🍸
Netflix Shows Muslim Breaking Fast with Alcohol 🍸
Netflix Shows Muslim Breaking Fast with Alcohol 🍸
🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Ayyah Deen🧕 Responding to the claim made by Non-Muslims that the Quran was copied from the Bible, touching...
This video begins with Hagar in the desert, worried for her young son Ishmael, without food or water or anyone...
Fed up after years of preaching to the people of Nineveh, Jonah or Prophet Yunus (on whom be peace) boarded...
قدر الله سبحانه و تعالى و ما معنى القدر ؟ Accepting the Qadr of Allah when it may not be...
In this videos Anna B (The Icelandic Muslimah) describes “WHY I WOULD NEVER BECOME A CHRISTIAN”
🇮🇹 I meet Aisha Silvia Romano in the Via Padova area in Milan. As I am approaching her, an Egyptian...