Greetings! Rosie Gabrielle
The one thing that always fascinates me as I travel, is the ever-changing personal greetings of each culture. It’s always a learning curve to get it right, to know who and how to greet, or which side of the face to kiss ( I always end up just bonking people’s heads by accident 😅) in Canada most just hug people we know and shake hands with those we don’t 🤗
But it’s something so beautiful to witness how each community has established a ritual welcoming gesture, a beautiful exchange of energy.
In the Gilgit Baltistan – Pakistan, close friends and family, both men and women will greet each other by kissing the other’s hand. This is a sign of both respect and care.

But why, as humans, have we created various ways to physically meet one another?
It’s because we are energetic beings, and the initial meet n greet is an opportunity to connect at a soul level. Exchanging energy and getting to “know” that person. Or other greetings such as, As’salamalaikum, placing one’s hand on their own heart, A respectful gaze in their eyes, signifying “the Divine light in me, recognizes the Divine light in you. May peace be upon you, with love and respect” it is this intention to deeply connect to one another.
People underestimate the power of touch or what it is to connect on this energetic level.

It is true that people can survive long without food and minimal water. But without the nurturing care of loved ones, without the basic needs of touch, and loving energy, a being will perish.
Over time we have lost our habitual ways of living and this concept almost seems foreign in our modern times.
Let’s go back to the basics and start living with rooted intention. And from now on, when you greet a friend, Neighbour or someone new, do it with clear positive loving intentions (even if It has to be from 6 ft apart🙃)
Which country are you from, and how do you greet each other?